Thanksgiving, cookbooks and Kindle Fire HDX

Have you planned your Thanksgiving menu?   Nope, me either.  However, with that said, I do have some of what I will be preparing in the back of my head.   Turkey will be involved,   Dressing will have to be on the table if I am allowed to stay in the house.   And of course, somewhere, somehow, a pecan pie or two may creep in to the plan.  There will be other desserts, sides, meats; you see, Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful!  And boys howdy, am I thankful – thankful for my God, my family, friends, thankful I have a job to go to, and thankful there is food on the table for all to enjoy.  

I am pouring over cookbooks, magazines, to see if there is just that something “extra” and new that might want to find its way on to the table, also, during the week of celebrations. Or something I may wish to make and take to a neighbor.  How about you?  Cooking something special?  Going with traditional?   I love that what’s traditional with one isn’t necessarily traditional with others.   Make your own memories, I say.   

So to help you along, to help you keep up with your cookbooks, I am giving away for your Thanksgiving pleasure, a new Kindle Fire HDX 7″ Tablet.  This thing is pretty up there.   Cool new features, and the best part is there is a button you can tap and a live person comes on the screen to answer tech questions!  (I need one of those right now on my computer!!!!)  To see all the features, amazon site can show all of them.  There are just too many to list here!  Its PURTY!



Want to win it and give it a try?   Just leave a comment below and tell us what your Thanksgiving plans are.   I love to hear about what everyone is doing!  Everyone has until midnight, Thursday, November 7th, to reply.  A winner will be selected by on  Friday morning  November 8th and posted here.   

Good luck, everyone!  Have a very Blessed Week!

29 responses

  1. Wellll, I have lots of Thanksgiving plans. Thanksgiving kicks off with the “Phillips’ Thanksgiving” on November 16. I’m bringing baked beans. 🙂 Then on Thanksgiving Day, Nolan and I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with my boyfriend’s (yes, I said boyfriend) family at noon. Then we’ll be traveling to Lincoln to celebrate Thanksgiving with my mom’s family. Wait, I’m not done…then we’ll be traveling to Sylacauga to celebrate Thanksgiving with my dad’s family. Whew! I’ll be stuffed with turkey and dressing…..

  2. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year!! Buck and I will have family coming into town and hove lunch at his mothers house. We will go to my mothers house for dinner Thanksgiving night!! Its a lot of travel, but worth it to be with family!!

  3. I’ll travel to Americus, Ga, to see my inlaws who insist that I briing “Mountain Dew Apple Dumplins” to top off their traditional Thanksgiving menu – then will go to Kentucky to see my family where I think we are having tacos. ha!

  4. I say . . . add an oyster or two to that dressing of yours! Yum, yum! I lived in the late 1990’s in Daphne/Fairhope and worked in Mobile, AL . . . and the tradition of such was born there with me! The only problem is living this far inland . . . but, even the pickiest of eaters can find a way if the will is there! Plans are still burgeoning as I type, but I am sure to be thankful for a full tummy and the love of family and friends (smile)!

  5. My wife and I will host Thanksgiving this year in our home. We will have her family and mine over. We will fry a turkey and have lots of other goodies. I hope blackeyed peas make it in there somewhere.

  6. Not sure what our plans are for thanksgiving yet. I know we will be at the in-laws for lunch. Dinner not sure of. I’m sure something will be arranged!

  7. yes we are going to be with family love to be with them we will have turkey dressing potatosalad pecan pie and I not sure what else every enjoy family and the holidays

  8. Not sure if exact plans, but spending time with my kiddos- they are growing up so fast —-lots of turkey, dressing, dumplings, green bean and sweet potato cass and can not forget the desserts:)

  9. Our family (kids, grands, great grands) is going to the beach again this year for the week of Thanksgiving. Our menu usually is pretty traditional but at the beach last year we incorporated some seafood. Pecan & chocolate pies & Oreo blizzard are always a must.

  10. The girls have all grown and have their own kitchen now. Everyone will bring a dish and we will meet at grammie and grampas house this year. My hubby makes the fried turkey while grammie does a breast and we do something different somewhere in the mix. Whitney always brings the mashed potatoes, and Tasha the corn casserole, but the other girls like to change it up. Brianna will join us by skype from Eaton’s neck long island. We will miss her this year!

  11. No real plans except to gang out with Melinda and Chandler. Maybe some Turkey and Dressing if any restaurants are open since most of the family will be out if town.

  12. Thanksgiving day we will go to Dahlonega, Ga and have dinner with my parents( this is a blessing for me because they lived in Florida and moved this past year and now are only a little over an hour from me!!) We will have your traditional dinner, turkey and all the fixings but traditional for us is also having perogies. My favorite dish!!

  13. This year we’ll be staying home for Thanksgiving but my parents and grandmother will be coming and anyone else who doesn’t have a place to go for this family oriented holiday will be welcome, too. 🙂

  14. We’re having family over to our new house this year for Thanksgiving lunch. Then Chris’s family is coming up for dinner and some Black Friday shopping! It’ll be fun filled family day! 🙂

  15. Will be spending one of my most favorite holidays with my soon to be in-laws. Then will be doing a weekend Thanksgiving with my family coming in from out of state.

  16. Well this thanksgiving my family and I will be going to Dahlonega,Ga to spend the day with my grandparents. This will be the second thanksgiving that we get to spend with them. Then we will be having a second dinner with my step dads family so needless to say I will be ubber stuffed this thanksgiving!

  17. We are spending Thanksgiving day with my moms family and Thanksgiving weekend with my step dads family. I’m looking forward to a lot of family and a lot of food! And there is always lots of laughter when we are all together.

  18. We’ll be heading over to my sister’s pretty new house to celebrate Baby Jack’s first Thanksgiving. And boy are we thankful for him! I think I’ll be making Paula Deen’s yummy twice baked potato casserole. And I’m pretty sure hubs is just excited for football!

  19. Juniper brine turkey, with dressing and turkey gravy is on the menu again this year. It’s a winner, winner turkey dinner!!

  20. Thanksgiving is a special time of year. Hopefully we take time every day to be thankful for the blessings continually showered upon us. A turkey dinner just adds to the joy!

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