Chef Salad Skewers

How cute are these??


And here’s a whole platter of them!


I took these to our to our church last night for an after service celebration and needless to say I didn’t bring any home!  I wanted to do something a bit different, and, well, both good and a bit healthy!  This could be put in your container for your lunch! It would also make a great snack for a healthy alternative and you could leave the croutons (homemade, by the way)  off and add an olive or a half boiled egg.  Your imagination can run rampant with these!

I used ham, turkey and summer sausage on my chef salad skewers!  You can use whatever combo you like on these or make them totally vegetarian. I would have put olives but some people don’t care for them so I just left them off on this batch.

I bought the package of little mozzarella balls of cheese and marinated them myself- just separate them – there’s a ton in one of those packages- and pour olive oil over to moisten them. I happen to have had some Tuscan flavored Olive oil and used this, sprinkled on a bit of kosher salt, pepper,  and Italian seasoning, and let marinate or a couple of hours. The leftovers will be great on our salads!

For the croutons, I cut Italian bread into large cubes, drizzled with olive oil, salt, garlic powder, Italian seasoning, and placed in a 350 degree oven and let bake until almost crispy. Let cool on pan.  The slightly larger cubes makes it easy to put on skewer without breaking.  Worked like a charm!

Make some and have fun – a great side and a fun side to any meal!

Getting my shabby chic on

i have been looking for an old armoire or something similar to do a DIY project for a fold-up sewing table and finally found what I was looking for…and at a great price. Plus the purchase helps our local animal shelter! A win-win all around!


It is still in the making- we set the wood to get a “look” at the height and distance out and to decide do I want the corners a bit rounded, do I want to stain and then finish the table or just put a finish on it or paint it? So many decisions! HA!

And this is the season for my Lenten Roses to bloom. They are “putting on the dog” I am here to tell you!  I need to remember to gather the seeds, too!

AND the “allium gigantium” (look that pic up-a beautiful big Pom Pom of a flower) bulb I brought back from that great farmer’s market we found in South Bend, Indiana, during our travels is doing quite well here in the south!  i can’t wait to see it bloom. And I hope the bulb multiplies like it is supposed to.


Speaking of food, what is your favorite breakfast/brunch item to consume?  I am always looking for good early morning recipes!  I will be experiencing with a savory scone recipe so stand by! It’s coming!

Pear salad – not canned

When searching the aisles for canned “no sugar added” pear halves for pear salad it is impossible to find.  Oh, they have “no sugar added” but I have only found “sliced pears”. – try making pear salad with those!

i had been told how to make my own with fresh pears- now to find someone with a pear tree!!  I did purchase some from the store- the green kind that looked like they had been picked off the tree. Here’s how I made them:

1. Wash and peel the pears; core the center with a spoon or melon baller; make sure to cut stems out of ends!



2.  Place in simmering water – that has either sugar or Splenda or Stevia added, quantity will be to your taste- just barely enough water to cover pears – single layer- and let simmer anywhere from 5-15 minutes- less if you want yours a bit crispy and more if you want yours soft.


3.  Let cool and put in freezer (not covered) for about an hour to flash freeze. Then just put in freezer bag.  When wanting a pear salad just take out the number you need earlier in day and let thaw and whalah!

I did add a bit extra to my water-


i just had had to use it and it tell you when you open a bottle of Mexican vanilla whether for the first time or 10th time you can’t beat the fragrance. Man!

I’ll let you know how the vanilla worked in them. It sure smelled good!

i hope you have a great week!

Cooking with vanilla

i just got back from a vanilla run….literally.  We made our way down to Mexico to pick up some of the best vanilla for baking.  I brought some back. I had a list of folks to bring it back to.  If you were on that list I will be getting it to you soon as I have been under the weather since before, during, and after this little trip. Needless to say that cruise wasn’t the “fun ship” for me!  We did enjoy most of it, though.


I am am one of those bakers who does think that the brand of vanilla makes a world of difference in the flavor of the baked goods.  Therefore, I try and get the best I can find locally.   What are your opinions of vanilla for your baking? Us bakers would like to know!


also, I haven’t heard from CINDY of ELZAAN who won a quilt kit (Elzaan won Quilt Kit 3 and Cindy won (Quilt kit 6) – if I don’t hear from y’all by Friday I will select another person interested in those kits.


A new recipe coming soon, I promise! I just got to get to feeling better! Getting old isn’t for sissies!